Eight panel solar installation, including battery storage and emergency backup suppy at this property in Lancaster


Before the main installation began, we had to prepare for the panels. This included mounting the batteries, the inverter and installing a new distribution board for UPS backup power system.
Black plastic conduit ran up the outside of the house to contain the DC cables for the panels. This protects and supports the cable mechanically, and also protects the PVC from UV damage from direct sunlight over time.

After the preparation was finished, we began the main installation of the solar panels. Firstly, we fixed roof hooks to the joists underneath the slate. Speacialist flashing kits were used to maintain the roof’s water protection. You can check them out here: https://www.geniusroofsolutions.com/
Next, the rails were attached to the hooks in preparation for the panels.
Finally, we put the panels up. The customer had also decided to add bird blocker to their panels, which prevents birds from nesting underneath the panels and reducing efficiency. We also optimised two of the panels, which reduces the effect of any shading, which is sometimes a problem for this area in Lancaster.

At the end of the work, the commissioning process for the batteries and inverter began. This was a very straightforward process through the myenergi app. Everything worked very smoothly, and the customer was left happy.

Tools and equipment
For a full list of tools used in projects like these, see our other page: https://www.pluggedinelectricians.co.uk/services/electrician-lake-district/solar-journeys/solar-tools/
The solar equipment used in this installation were:
- 8 Longi 430W panels
- Myenergi Libbi 3.68kW inverter https://partners.myenergi.com/product/libbi?partner=installations
- 3x Myenergi 5kWh batteries
- Backup power supply for lighting circuit and sockets circuit
- Automatic changeover switch for uninterrupted power during a power cut

Find out more
To see more information, or let us know how we can help you with your solar project, head to our website https://www.pluggedinelectricians.co.uk/